Trumpet slices
Single regular slice reaching inside of the horizon.
Trumpets are slices of a black hole spacetime where inside of the horizon the proper length becomes infinite at a finite value of the (Schwarzschild-like) radial coordinate. Their embedding diagram (left image below) motivates their name. Especially interesting is the fact that trumpet slices avoid the black hole’s singularity, and so they can be used to reach inside of the black hole’s horizon.

In 2304.05384 [gr-qc] I reviewed the construction of constant-mean-curvature trumpet slices of spherically symmetric black holes, and obtained similar Schwarzschild trumpets adapted to a specific choice of gauge.
I want to find out if an equivalent construction exists for Kerr (an axisymmetric black hole) and how to derive it. This will help when trying to construct a binary of spinning black holes!
Spherically symmetric black hole spacetimes on hyperboloidal slicesFrontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Aug 2023